Yes, 100% on all of this. I use the positioning of the current speaker under the lens all the time.

I would only add, for extra credit, getting a "real" camera to use as a web cam, so you can do real optical blur via depth-of-field, which looks way better than digital blur of any kind. You can do this with a used mirrorless camera and a cheap HDMI capture card, so it's not even too expensive.

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Items 1 & 5 almost certainly the most bothersome workplace behaviors I have ever experienced (which almost certainly speaks to how deeply fortunate I am in my career)!

I vote that Lex Fridman Consulting offers a course for clients on this subject; I don’t own a business but I would eagerly promote it!

As an aside, new subscriber here and I am thoroughly enjoying these little, thoughtful bits of writing. Many thank you’s for taking the time to publish them!

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